"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes,"
Romans 1:16
My Story
I'm Terry Huey, the Lead Pastor at Summit Baptist Church. I've been happily married to my beautiful wife, Kara, for over 25 years, and we have two wonderful children, Eli and Charis. My life revolves around living "by The Book," believing that all scripture is God-breathed.
My faith journey began in Georgia at the age of 13 when my family and I moved here from Alabama. We were on a journey to find a spiritual home, visiting various churches in search of the right fit. One Sunday, I felt a powerful conviction and decided it was time to dedicate my life to Jesus. I stepped forward during the service, shared my belief, and was baptized in the following weeks.
That summer during a small group session at "Super Wow" summer camp in Tennessee I felt a divine calling to ministry, which I later shared with my youth pastor. After graduating from North Cobb High School, I pursued my calling in ministry while studying at Lee University.
Over the past 37 years, my faith has deepened, with a pivotal moment in college when I encountered the words of Jesus in Matthew 16:24-26. These words inspired me to walk even closer with Christ, embracing the path set before me.
Today, I am honored to serve as the Lead Pastor at Summit Baptist Church and look forward to continuing my journey with faith and ministry.