Children's Director
Jerilyn Winther
Jerilyn is the Director of Summit K.I.D.’s. She and her husband Rick have been a part of Summit for the last 5 years and in ministry for 30. Jerilyn learned early that Jesus is THE way to have the most extraordinary life possible here on earth, AND live FOREVER with Him! The joy of her life is to get to share the Good News with kids and their families!
The Kidmin team at Summit focuses on RELATIONSHIPS. Their goal is to help kids connect with God, His Word and each other!

Sunday Morning
Small Groups
9:30 am
Sunday Morning
Kids Worship
11 am
Wednesday Night
6:30 - 8 pm
But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs to the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 19:14
Come to the Kiosk for check-in! Each child receives a special number and you will receive a tag with that number for pick-up. You will need this tag for pick-up.
Please keep your phone on buzz so we can contact you if necessary!
Our leaders are background checked and enjoy sharing Jesus and the Bible with kids. An adult (think: a mama) over age 18 is always in the room.
All preschool rooms and most kid rooms have attached single restrooms.
We are a peanut-free ministry. Babies/toddlers bring their own snacks preschool kids get water and goldfish/cheerios.
Our wellness policy states to care for your sick kids at home.
Each class has a sanitization process after the room is used.
Toddlers and above begin each class with a lesson with a Bible Story and activities.
If your child attends both sessions on Sunday (9:30 & 11), the material is slightly different which means more FUN!
Got questions? We get it! Most of us have kiddos too.
Please feel free to reach out to any of the Summit Kids Staff.
Upcoming Events
- Sun, Mar 16Summit Athletic Field
- Sat, May 17Summit Church
- Mon, Jun 16Camp To-Know-Him
- Sat, Aug 02Summit Church